Monday, March 29, 2010

Understanding ICT's!!

Well after a few weeks of procrastination, I have at last begun my blog!
Education is a very important part of the 21st century, and with the Internet now so readily available, the Web has become a very powerful tool for learning and teaching. It has become a very useful resourse that provides us with many educational materials and learning activites. We as teachers will be able to offer unique learning experiences to our students that will be interesting, engaging and educational. The technology that is available will provide a very student-centred learning environment, but can also be effective when structured to individual students with different needs, or who might learn in different ways. As a visual learner (and also quite computer illiterate) I am very excited and interested in being able to use all these Information and Communication Technologies as a major element in the classroom. I feel it will be rewarding for both teachers and students.

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